dimarts, 27 de febrer del 2018

Construim les maquetes

Dins del projecte del tauró martell ens hem imaginat com és el seu esquelet, primer ho hem dibuixat individualment, ho hem posat en comú i finalment ho hem representat mitjançant maquetes


diumenge, 25 de febrer del 2018

P4. El món de Tàpies.

HOLA FAMILIES!!! Aquesta setmana seguim amb el projecte de TÀPIES!

Tàpies es va situar dins de l'anomenada "pintura matèrica", també coneguda com "art brut", que es caracteritza per la mistificació tècnica i l'ús de materials heterogenis, moltes vegades de rebuig o de reciclatge, barrejats amb els materials tradicionals de l'art cercant un nou llenguatge d'expressió artística.

Seguim experimentant amb el seu art i amb les seves tècniques que ens endinsen en un món artístistic ple de materials diversos. 

Dibuix amb colorant, fils i la inicial del nom

Pintem amb mel i afegim una peça de roba pròpia

Dibuixem amb pintura i paper de seda (sense pinzell)

 Instal·lació de Tàpies. "FEM EL NOSTRE TÀPIES"

divendres, 16 de febrer del 2018


Aquesta setmana els nens i nenes tenien moltes ganes d’explicar una cosa sorprenent que no acostuma a passar a Barcelona. Quan han vingut cap a l’escola han vist neu!! 

Aprofitant que estaVEN molt emocionats amb la neu, els hem proposat fer neu artificial. Tots es posen super contents!!!

dijous, 15 de febrer del 2018

Carnestoltes i Talents

Reportatge fotogràfic cortesia de Jaume Rodríguez-Cabo


dimecres, 14 de febrer del 2018

P4. Experimentem amb film i pintura.

Hola Families!! Aquí us deixem un petit video sobre una activitat artística que vam fer la setmana passada. Que gaudiu del video tant com nosaltres hem gaudit de l'activitat.

Seguint amb la teoria d'Arno Stern:

"Sense pretendre res, amb la passió que produeix realitzar una activitat pel plaer que proporciona aquesta en si mateixa, sense esperar recompensa ni fruit algun."

"Es importante, para su equilibro, que la persona tenga la posibilidad de escapar a la vigilancia de su razón para entregarse a un acto no intencional“

divendres, 9 de febrer del 2018

Setmana d'excursions a Infantil

Aquesta setmana els nens i les nenes de P3, P4 i P5 han anat d'excursió malgrat les inclemències del temps!!
Dilluns vam anar al MACBA.
P3 va fer un treball sobre l'edifici.
P4 i P5 vam poder descobrir quatre mons. El d'un PINTOR que feia pintura invisible, el d'un ESCOMBRIAIRE, que aprofitava els materials usats per fer-ne obres d'art, el d'una ELECTRICISTA, que feia obres momentànies amb llums i ombres, i finalment el d'una LAMPISTA, que ens va deixar fer una escultura amb canonades.

Dijous vam anar a veure l'espectacle "Corre Trufa" al Teatre Romea. Una història amb música i cançons en la que vam conèixer les aventures d'una gosseta anomenada Trufa.

De tornada cap a l'autocar, els nens i les nenes de P5, tots motivats amb el tema del barri que estan descobrint, van aprofitar per fixar-se amb els rètols, imatges i elements diversos que trobaven pel barri del Raval.

Carnaval a Infantil

Aquesta setmana el Rei Carnestoltes ens ha ben capgirat la setmana. Personatges diferents han aparegut dia rere dia a la nostra classe. Un dia caps divertits, una altre amb roba gran i un altre amb roba d'un color. No semblàvem nosaltres!!! Que divertit!!

dilluns, 5 de febrer del 2018

Writing about the past. Sisè

This is a picture of Mr Lowa. In this picture he was 54, he was walking. He was wearing dungarees and a hat. He was looking to the camera, he didn’t have a watch. In this picture he was serious, he had glasses. He was on the street in Sioux City.
by Asfand

                                     This is Roberto when he was 18 years old.
                                     He was in Secondary class. At that moment
                                     all the children in the class were celebrating

                                     New year's eve of 1995.

                                By Hugo

This is a photo of Carmen when she was 70 years old. 
She was wearing a striped dress. She was in the street. 
She was líving in France. Her family was líving in Spain.

by Duna

This is a photo of me in my garden with the arms folded. I was at home with my family, because it was my birthday. I was six. I was wearing a pink dress and underneath a pink t-shirt. In my birthday we were eating cake and drinking Fanta, Coca Cola and water with my family! I was very happy!!

by Dulce

This is a picture of Elsa when she was 5 years old. In the picture she was pushing a trolley with a baby sister. The sister´s name was Natasha.She was 4 years old and she was unshy. They were going home. There were living in Canada. They liked dolls.

by Josué

This a picture of me when I was 1 year old. I was on a walk in a soccer field, I was trying to play soccer,i was in Paraguay.I was with my mum and grandmother. In the picture I was wearing a red jumper, blue trousers and black shoes.

At that moment I was learning to walk, I was smiling.

by Lucas

This is a picture of Zain when he was 5 years old. He was in Afghanistan. In this picture he was smiling. At that moment, all the children were happy. It was in the spring of 2002.

Zain was in the park with his friends, Karan, Ali, Valeria, Willy, Charlie, Ever, Lluis.

by Saeeda

This is a photograph of me in kindergarden when I was one year old. I was wearing a blue jumper and blue trousers. On that day it was very cold.
by Mela

This is one picture when I was two years old. I was next to home with my truck. I was wearing a red and black jumper, black trousers and nike shoes. My aunt took this picture. I was angry in that moment.
By Xavi

This a Picture of Sandra and Montse. Sandra was 3 years old and Montse was 6 years old.
Sandra was in P3 class and Montse was in class1.
They were in front of their house. They were wearing the same dress.
It was in the spring of 1975. They were celebrating a birhtday.

by Cristina

This is a photo of Mr.Willy. In the photo he was 47 years old. He was a spy. He had no family because they were dead in a shooting. He was from London and lived in London.

by Suqlain

This is a photo of Ramona. In this picture she was 27 years old.

She was on a boat on a lake. She had a bun and she had a black dress. She was happy. She was on holiday and she had a stick.
by Claudia

Hello my name is Erika Rosa Grosche. I am 12 years old. In the photo I was 9 months. I was playing with an elefant, a ball and the toy flower.

This is a photo of me when I was 1 year old. I was in the park with my cousin Emely. She was seven years old. I was playing with sand. I was wearing a jacket and a skirt. 
My cousin was wearing a t-shirt and trousers.
by Nerea